Sunday, September 15, 2024

Update on Amok's Eighth Tale...

Greetings, dear readers! So, a year and eight months in the making, twelve days ago, I finished writing the 8th and final tale in Amok's saga, titled "Revelations." It’s the culmination of a journey fraught with peril that leads to a duel for the ages between Amok and the Harbinger of Doom. It's now on the editor's desk and I’ll be tackling the revisions of the complete manuscript, tale by tale, over the next several weeks. The final book will read like a novel, featuring eight connected episodes spanning a year in the life of Amok. The eight stories as a whole tell the grand tale of Amok’s quest to find answers about his origins.

It’ll be a long process that will lead to the publication of Amok the Powerful on the tentative date of Tuesday, November 26th, 2024. It’ll be available in print as a paperback and electronically on Kindle. Cover art for the book is being painted as I’m typing this. There’ll be a cover reveal in a few weeks. I’m very excited for this book to see the light of day and to finally be able to share my red-maned barbarian’s full adventure with you. In the meantime, if you haven’t already done so, you can check out the first two tales as a FREE downloadable PDF right here. The published versions will be slightly different as I’ll tweak a few things here and there in the narrative during the revision stages to match the full finished story. Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to pub date!